
Ensemble 小号

Brass Quintet 小号

Ensemble 小号

6 Blasmusik vom Kleinsten 小号

alliance French brass quintet 小号

almeida Principal Trumpet Player in TNSC Ópera House 小号

betts Principal Trumpet Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,... 小号

blanco Trumpet Soloist 小号

bodart Artistic Director of the International Trumpet Competition... 小号 endorser

boldoczki International trumpet soloist 小号

bräker Solo-Trompeter des Nationaltheaterorchesters Mannheim 小号

brass quintett 小号

brass quintett It was made of five young professionals ... 小号

brohm Lead-Trompeter der Bigband der Bundeswehr 小号 endorser

brown Lecturer for Big Band at Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg 小号 endorser

caens Professor of trumpet at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de... 小号

cavallo Trumpet Soloist 小号

cecocho International solist 小号 endorser

cobb Principal trumpet of the BBC Symphony Orchestra 小号

crespo Solista de Trompeta de la Filarmónica del Teatro Colón 小号

dissenha Solo trumpet with the São Paulo State Symphonic Orchestra 小号

dombrowski Principal Tuba at Colorado Symphony Orchestra 小号

enhco Trumpeter and composer 小号

eugster Lead Player and Teacher 小号

french Internationaler Jazz- und Lead-Trompeter 小号

fuchs Solotrompeter, Staatskapelle Dresden 小号

fujita Soloist / Singapore Symphony Orchestra Principal Tubist 小号

gilreath Trumpet, Stiletto Brass Quintet 小号

golle Trompeter der Bigband der Bundeswehr 小号

hooke Principal Trumpet of the RTE Concert Orchestra 小号

hutter Lead-Posaunist der SWR Bigband und Leiter der Egerländer Musikanten -... 小号

inderka Lead-Trompeter der Bigband der Bundeswehr 小号

jaudes International soloist 小号

jimÉnez Trumpeter with the CCCN Jazz Orchestra 小号

lauel Solo-Trompeter der Badischen Staatskapelle Karlsruhe 小号

leach Trumpet, Stiletto Brass Quintet 小号

lidsle Solo-Tubist des Lahti Symphony Orchestra 小号

linck Solo Trumpet at the Porto Alegre Symphony Orchestra, Professor at the... 小号

lokalenkov Principal Trumpet of Busan Philharmonic Orchestra 小号

martinez Trumpet Artist, Composer & Arranger 小号

mckinney Director of Student Success/Alumni Relations, Stax Music Academy 小号

mcnab Hollywood Studio Artist 小号

mogo Tutor of Trumpet and Chamber Music at Conservatório de Música de... 小号

muckey Stellv. Solo-Trompeter der New Yorker Philharmoniker 小号

music Band 小号

nascimento Principal trumpet of the Sao Paulo University Symphony Orchestra 小号

nielsen National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain 小号

nunez International soloist 小号

payen Fondateur du Quintet Leeway 小号

pender Trumpet, Basic Cable Band, The Conan Show 小号

richter Trumpet, Center Stage Brass 小号

roeder Professor of Tuba, University of Texas Pan American 小号

scheffer Professor at the Paraná State University, Artistic Director and... 小号

smith Principal Trumpet - Xalapa Symphony Orchestra 小号

smutný Soloist and member of music group Jelen 小号

soldatov International solist 小号

tartell Associate Professor of Trumpet, Indiana University 小号

thomas Principal Trumpet of the BBC Symphony Orchestra, Professor of Trumpet... 小号

touvron Professor at Conservatoire Supérieur de Paris (CNR) 小号

tröster Flügelhornist der Egerländer Musikanten - Das Original 小号

veiga Trumpeter & Artistic Director at the Associação da Banda Musical da... 小号

verleden Freelance tubist and teacher 小号

weber Trumpet, Denmantau 小号

wojtasik Jazz trumpeter and composer 小号

圭滋 ヴィヴィッド・ブラス・トーキョウ... 小号

敬介 國家交響楽団首席奏者 Tuba Trio "Futome"メンバー 小号

秀徳 Theater Orchestra Tokyo 首席奏者 横浜シンフォニエッタ... 小号