
Ensemble Trombones

Brass Quintet Trompettes

Ensemble Trompettes

ricardo serralheiro Professor of Tuba and Euphonium Tubas

21meter60 Tuba Ensemble Tubas

6 Blasmusik vom Kleinsten Trompettes

alliance French brass quintet Trompettes

almeida Principal Trumpet Player in TNSC Ópera House

ambrosius Tuba player of the Bavarian State Orchestra Munich and German Brass Tubas

anderson Principal Tubist San Francisco Symphony Tubas

bazsinka Solo-Tubist of the Budapester Festivalorchesters

benavidez Associate Professor of Tuba and Euphonium at the Eastman School of...

betts Principal Trumpet Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,... Trompettes Essayeur

bjørn-larsen Professor of tuba at the Hochschule für Musik in Hannover Tubas

black Adjunct Professor of Tuba and Euphonium at Winthrop University Tubas

blaha Associate Professor of Tuba & Euphonium, University of Akron, OH Tubas

blanco Trumpet Soloist Trompettes

blum Trumpet player of German Army Big Band Bugles

bodart Artistic Director of the International Trumpet Competition... Trompettes Essayeur

boldoczki International trumpet soloist Trompettes

bräker Solo-Trompeter des Nationaltheaterorchesters Mannheim Trompettes

brass quintett Trompettes

brass quintett It was made of five young professionals ... Trompettes

brohm Lead-Trompeter der Bigband der Bundeswehr Bugles